
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Different School Models Essay

Private schools are independently run, do not to teach on the curriculum public schools use, and are funded through tuition, non public funds and religious organizations. Public schools are funded from state, local, and government funded. Total Population/ Demographics 260; approx. 60% African American 20% Caucasian 10% Hispanic 10% Asian American 400; approx. 50% African American 30% Hispanic 15% Caucasian 5% Asian American Basically enrollments in private schools are more middle and upper class. Public schools have a diverse enrollment. Student Teacher Ratio 1:19 1:32 (max) Again class numbers are low in private schools because only families that can afford to pay tuition. Public schools cannot deny any child from enrolling. Issues Faced Ensuring all Students Achieve their Potential Lack of Technology and (common core) textbooks Lack of motivation outside of school Funding to purchase updated materials are limited in private schools. Some Parents and guardians are interested in their child’s education. Addressing these Issues Use of an overhead projector, and online resources for educational materials related to common core standards Being a motivating factor in their individual success Private schools use what technology is available. Public schools have what technology is needed and is used on s daily basis. Public and private school teachers are motivators for students. Role of Technology Very limited Aids as a supplemental tool to advance student learning Again private schools use what is available. Having needed technology in public schools gives students the ability to advance. 21st Century Skills By observing the methods students use to communicate, socialize, and meet their daily needs. Students are more opted to use technology, and teamwork which will act as enrichment. Communicating with peers, students being able to use provided technology to help them advance. Role of Students Students determine the speed and depth of the deliverance of a lesson plan. Students’ progress also helps the teacher verify if the lesson was successful Student’s role is to learn and gain knowledge through being an independent learner. Assessing student’s progress to see if the skill was retained. Student’s roles don’t differ in schools. Students are to obtain knowledge and show they obtained the information received. Role of Teacher A teacher’s role is most effective with routine, and feedback. Teachers must provide various learning opportunities in the lessons, and repeatedly reintroduce the expectations and objectives of the lesson. Teachers set the attitude of their classrooms, build a welcoming environment, mentor and care for students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. Teachers provide consistency, stability and the information to help the students gain knowledge. Most Important Skills Taught Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Both teachers believe that basic fluency skills need to be taught There are major differences between public and private schools. One major difference is funding; Public schools get their financing from local, state, and federal government funds. Private schools depend on tuition payments and funds from nonpublic sources such as religious organizations, endowments, grants, and charitable donations. Another difference is enrollment numbers; public schools must accept all students who live within the borders of their districts. Unless it is a public school for children with special needs (i. e. gifted and talented) students have to be tested or enter into a lottery of some sort for the child to be accepted. Private schools are not obligated to accept every child that applies for admission. Private schools often choose between candidates based on ethnicity, religious back ground and financial status. From the interview I learned that the private school teacher I interviewed was not state certified. The teacher when she was hired had experience in working in an elementary school as a Para-educator and was in school working on her degree in Education. On the other hand public school teachers have to a degree in education and also are state certified. In most instances public school teachers are paid more than private school teachers, it actually depends on the school. Private school teachers maybe offered benefits such as a percentage off of tuition if the teachers own child is enrolled at the school (â€Å"Private vs. public,† 2013) . There’s a similar difference between curriculum development in private and public schools. Public schools must follow state procedures that set out certain standards and assessment procedures. This creates a certain amount of quality control. Private schools, on the other hand, can choose whatever curriculum and assessment model they wish. This freedom to design their own curriculum or avoid standardized tests can result in higher or lower standards for students. In public schools the parental support depends on the community of the school and how important the parent believes their child’s education is. Some people do not value their child’s education and send the children to school because it is a requirement. Private schools have tremendous parent support paying for education is a guarantee that parents will be involved, so they can see where their monies are being used for. Whether, public or private school parental involvement is important for academic growth and success of a child. Parental involvement is an issue for public schools. There are ways to try to get parents into the school, but they may not work. I don’t believe that a majority of the public schools parents do not care. It could be they do not have the flexibility in their job to leave, transportation, and if there is an event during the day at school parents are not allowed to bring younger siblings. Private schools have ample parent involvement because the parents make monetary investments in their child’s education; therefore they want to see where there money is going. Offer opportunities for students to bond with subjects in an array of meaningful ways through using supportive learning, appealing coursework, hands-on experiences, and other vigorous learning tactics. Gain knowledge of the students’ knowledge, notions, or false impressions by using pre-tests, and on paper or verbal lessons designed to inform a teacher of a students’ thoughts about an issue. Help students become more conscious by modeling the way you think as you are solving a problem, analyze the students work in front of the class. Teach skills, such as setting objectives, making predictions, and checking for constancy. Having students write in a journal or have students explain their process for solving the problem will help with metacognition. The benefits of public schools teachers have more qualifications; they may hold master degrees or have special training in a certain subject. In public schools students study core subjects and have access to the updated technology. Lastly, the population of public schools is more diverse. The benefits of private schools are; class sizes are small, parent involvement is strong and private schools do not have to comply with state standards so students are not stressed with having to take state standardized test.

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